What makes writing hard?

A lot of people say they find writing hard. But what exactly makes writing so difficult? Just putting random words on paper is easy. What’s difficult is turning those words into sentences that really express the ideas you’re trying to convey.

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The problem with compliments

In general, I think giving people compliments is great, and most of us don’t do anywhere near enough of it. This said, I think there are also risks involved in giving people positive feedback, and each of us should be careful about the kindof compliments we give other people.

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Is there a tension between improvement and contentment?

It seems like there's naturally a tension between improvement and contentment: the more you want to improve, the harder it is to be happy with things as they are, and the more content you are, the less drive you will have to improve. I don't think this tension is irresolvable - it's possible to be constantly improving without feeling dissatisfied, though doing so in practice may not be totally straightforward.

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Why do we have so few words for love?

What do we really mean when we say "I love you"? It doesn't seem to have a particularly fixed meaning - "I love you" - can mean very different things in different contexts. Might a richer vocabulary for love - more words to distinguish between these different uses of "love" - actually improve our relationships?

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